Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Free Download PokéLand  0.2.0 for Android

Free Download PokéLand 0.2.0 for Android

Download PokéLand 0.2.0 For Free

PokéLand is a new Pokémon game for Android devices inspired by Rumble in which you'll have to face up against hordes of enemies that will try to stop you

The guys behind Pokémon are getting used to releasing new games and updates almost without any prior notice, just to give us a surprise. It looks like once the hype over Pokémon GO has calmed down a bit, they're now back with other kinds of titles based on the universe dwelled by these creatures, as is the case of the recently launched Pokémon Magikarp Jump, and the latest title to appear: PokéLand.

In this free-to-play game, we'll have to try to catch over 130 creatures, spread around more than 50 different islands that we'll have to explore fighting and battling it out against enemy Pokémons. The gameplay is all about advancing through the screens, defeating all those creatures we come across until we face up against a final Pokémon. And us we manage to wipe them all out, we'll add coins to our counter.

PokéLand For Android Details

  • Name : PokéLand
  • Operating System : Android
  • Current Version: 0.2.0
  • License : FREE
  • Required OS : Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.1.
  • Developer : The Pokemon Company
Your ultimate goal is to reach the Champion Tower. Once there, you'll have to climb its 15 floors, making use of features and functions such as the following:

Your ultimate goal is to reach the Champion Tower. Once there, you'll have to climb its 15 floors, making use of features and functions such as the following:

If you're looking for the latest version of PokéLand for Android, You have come to the right place. You can download PokéLand for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Apps

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